With the right maintenance, leather is a timeless material that can last for many years. Leather goods range from jackets and shoes to bags and furniture, and they require maintenance to keep them looking their best. Restoring your leather goods after a tear, stain, or scratch can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. We’ll walk you through the procedures in this guide for avoiding damage and restoring your leather goods to their former beauty.

Preventing Damage

  • Store Your Leather Goods Properly

Proper storage is the first step in preventing damage to your leather products. Leather goods should be kept out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry location when not in use. Leather can become dry and crack from exposure to heat and sunlight, resulting in irreparable harm. Furthermore, storing leather products in moist or humid conditions can grow mould and mildew, which can stain and harm the leather.

  • Keep your Leather Away from Water

Water exposure can seriously harm leather because it is not waterproof. Dry off any wet leather accessories immediately with a fresh, dry cloth. They shouldn’t be dried with heat because doing so could cause the leather to shrink or crack. Instead, let them naturally air dry.

  • Avoid Excessive Heat

Overheating can cause the leather to crack and dry out. Avoid placing your full-grain leather goods near radiators, fireplaces, or bright sunlight. Also, avoid keeping leather items in hot vehicles or close to heat sources for an extended period.

  • Regularly cleaning

Regular cleaning can stop the accumulation of dirt and debris, which can harm leather items over time. Wipe away any surface dust or dirt with a soft or dry cloth. For more stubborn stains, try using a damp cloth with a mild soap solution. Test the soap solution first on a discrete area to ensure the soap solution won’t harm the leather.

  • Use Leather Conditioner

To keep leather from drying out and cracking, leather conditioner helps to keep it soft and supple. Regularly apply a leather conditioner to keep your leather products looking their best. Make sure the conditioner you select is suitable for your particular leather type.

  • Revive with Leather Wax

Using leather wax on your leather goods can help protect them from moisture, prevent cracking and fading, and give them a lustrous shine. The wax creates a protective layer on the leather surface, making it more resistant to wear and tear. Additionally, it nourishes the leather, keeping it soft and smooth.

Restoring Your Leather Goods

  • Assess the Damage

It is important to evaluate the damage extent before attempting to restore leather goods. Check the leather carefully to determine the extent of the damage that occurs. With these facts, you can make an informed decision.

  • Fix Scratches and Scuffs

A leather conditioner can repair minor dings and scratches. After applying a small amount of conditioner to the area, rub it gently with a soft cloth. For more, use a leather repair kit, which can be purchased from most hardware stores, for deeper scratches.

  • Repair Tears and Holes

Repairing holes and tears in leather products takes more time and effort. Use leather glue or a leather repair kit for small tears. Consult a reputable leather repair service for more severe damage.


Leather goods are an investment that can last for years with proper care and maintenance. Preventing damage to your leather products requires proper storage, regular cleaning, and the use of leather conditioner. If your leather goods suffer damage, it’s essential to assess them and take the appropriate steps to restore them. You can maintain your leather products in top condition for many years with supple and loving care.


1. How often should I apply a leather conditioner to my leather goods?

If you live in a dry climate, you should apply a leather conditioner to your leather goods more frequently than twice a year.

2. Can I use regular soap to clean my leather goods?

No, it is not advised to clean leather goods with regular soap. Make use of a mild soap solution that is made just for leather.

3. Can I store my leather goods in plastic bags?

No, storing full-grain leather in plastic bags is not recommended, as this can cause the leather to dry out and crack. Use a cotton or canvas bag instead.

4. How should I store my leather bag when not in use?

Store your leather bag somewhere cool and dry, out of direct sunshine and heat. Put it in a dust bag or a pillowcase to avoid scratches and dust.Shop Now